Creativity and neuropsychological development in students of elementary education


  • Alcides Quispe Mamani Universidad Peruana Unión



Creative intelligence, neuropsychology, schooling, primary education, education


The present study aimed to determine the relationship between the creative intelligence and the neurological maturity in primary students of Pedro Kalbermatter Adventist School, in Juliaca, Perú, 2018. This research was done through the quantitative approach, no experimental design, correlational and cross-sectional study. The population was one hundred sixty-eight primary students from whom was taken seventy-five students as a representative sample. The instruments used for data recollection were, the creative intelligence test of Corbalan and Martinez (2003) and the scholar neuropsicological matureness questionary of Portellado, Mateos and Martinez (2012). The results were that there is a (p=0,047) value according to the Tau_b of Kendall, it allows according to the suggested rule of decision to accept the alternate hypothesis and to reject the null hypothesis. As a conclusion, there exist a positive correlationship between creative intelligence and neuropsicological maturity, there exist positive correlationship between creative intelligence and phonological fluency and also between creative intelligence and semantic fluency. In other hand, does not exist correlationship between creative intelligence and the other neuropsicological dimensions suggested by the present study.

