Business management model in the revitalization of MYPEs of clothing of an Industrial Park


  • Jesús Fernando Bejarano Auqui Universidad Peruana Unión



Business management, knowledge and information management, value management, economic management, financial management, decision making and revitalization of the economic activity of the MYPEs


The administration of the economic activity of the owners of the MYPEs is based on business experience at the expense of academic knowledge, which limits them to develop a Business Management (BM) with greater competitiveness. A solution to this problem is the use of the BM model that will boost the productive activities of these organizations. Therefore, the objective of the research was to design a business management model based on critical theories of administrative thought for the MYPEs of clothing in the Ate-Vitarte Industrial Park. The type of study was descriptive quantitative. The sample was represented by 101 businessmen. The results of the multiple linear regression analysis showed that the adjusted r2 of Gci = 0.898, Gv = 0.781. Ge = 0.679, Gf = 0.737 and Td = 0.495. Conclusion the GE model will motivate entrepreneurs to be agents of change in their social and economic environment, using the elements of administration and criteria of administrative thought with greater knowledge and information. The findings of their concepts, theories and methodological utility will serve for the construction of future lines of research that will cover other empty spaces still to be investigated.

