Why is theological education necessary?


  • Jiří Moskala SDA Theological Seminary Andrews University




In today’s Christian world, theology tends to be despised; and to my amazement, this aversion seems to be spreading even within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Theological education in some circles is unwelcome and unessential. Furthermore, the belief in the imminent return of Jesus Christ has led some to reject not only general higher education but theology schools as well. In this article, from the eschatological context in which we live, the author points out that a true, broad, and balanced pastoral education is a sine qua non to acquiring right biblical-theological training. Adventist theology prepares people to search for the truth, know the truth, love the truth, follow the truth, live the truth, proclaim the truth, and be ready for the Second Coming of Christ.



How to Cite

Moskala, J. . (2020). Why is theological education necessary?. Revista Estrategias Para El Cumplimiento De La Misión (Strategies for the Completion of the Mission), 17(1). https://doi.org/10.17162/recm.v17i1.1226