Background and Motifs for the Spiritual Master Plan


  • Israel Joselito Fernández Mallma



SMP, spirituality, assessment, Adventist education


The spiritual development has always been a pivotal axis for Adventist education. The educational purposes have been clearly established from the very beginning by Ellen G. White writings and the Adventist theology. The numerical and organizational growth of the institutions require an appropriate assessment of the educational efforts focused on spiritual growth of the students. The Spiritual Master Plan (SMP) should reflect those purposes. The search process for making the spirituality a relevant factor or the most transcendent one in Adventist education, and despite the educational level applied to, is still a challenge for administrators, leaders, chaplains, and teachers. The philosophic-biblical principles for spiritual growth require being transferred to a practical experience so that the planning process would allow the establishment of clear indicators for their measurement and evaluation.



How to Cite

Fernández Mallma, I. J. (2021). Background and Motifs for the Spiritual Master Plan. Revista Estrategias Para El Cumplimiento De La Misión (Strategies for the Completion of the Mission), 18(1-2), 15–27.