How the Holy Spirit Speaks_




Holy Spirit, church, prophets, Holy Scriptures, supernatural phenomena


The purpose of this article is to explain how the Holy Spirit speaks. Acts 13:1-4 has been chosen as a reference because in this passage there is a sequence of phrases. In one of them the Holy Spirit speaks, but in the others human intervention ‘seems’ to be the one that speaks or decides. In this way it is shown biblically that the Holy Spirit can speak in several forms. He speaks through the Scriptures, the prophets, the church, and natural phenomena. Although there could be other ways, in the holy text the ways mentioned are evident. Therefore, in great conflict context, while a group presumes to listen the Holy Spirit voice and dispenses of fundamental elements, it could be, really, listening to another spirit voice: this is the reason why study and identify the way as Pneuma speaks.



How to Cite

Cruz Huaranga, S. C. (2022). How the Holy Spirit Speaks_. Revista Estrategias Para El Cumplimiento De La Misión (Strategies for the Completion of the Mission), 20(1), 85–99.