Doctrine Reflexiones sobre la doctrina de la trinidad en el adventismo de 1980 a 2011

The Trinity in contemporary Christian thought


  • Isau Jacob Silverio Gonzales Teología



Doctrine, Deity, Trinity, theology, Holy Spirit, belief, God, Adventists.


Currently, the biblical doctrine of the Trinity is part of the 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. However, this biblical doctrine in Adventism has been the target of attacks in the years after 1980. Therefore, the objective of this research is to carry out a reflective study on the historical, theological and systematic development of contemporary thought of the doctrine of the Trinity in Adventism from 1980 to 2011. Furthermore, due to the questions made to the doctrine of the Trinity and the undeniable antitrinitarian resurgence in Adventism in that period, the present study becomes relevant in contemporary Adventism. The present reflective study begins with a brief documentary description of the doctrine of the Trinity in Christianity in general. It then addresses the issues that have arisen around this doctrine among Adventists from a historical doctrinal and systematic theological point of view, thus showing the recent vision of contemporary thought of Adventist theological scholarship on the doctrine of the Trinity. Finally, draw some conclusions about the topic in question.



How to Cite

Silverio Gonzales, I. J. (2024). Doctrine Reflexiones sobre la doctrina de la trinidad en el adventismo de 1980 a 2011: The Trinity in contemporary Christian thought. Revista Estrategias Para El Cumplimiento De La Misión (Strategies for the Completion of the Mission), 21(2), 3–21.