Personal, ecclesiastical, pastoral and community factors and their relationship to personal evangelization in members of the Asociación Peruana Central Este, Lima.


  • Wilbert Maluquish Huamán Unidad de Posgrado, Teología Universidad Peruana Unió
  • Daniel William Richard Pérez Unidad de Posgrado, Teología Universidad Peruana Unión





Personal evangelization is a great way to share the gospel of Christ Jesus. This can be defined as the communication of the gospel of the kingdom, from person to person, thanks to the direction of the Holy Spirit, this proclamation must be made by every Christian, so that the recipients have the opportunity to accept Jesus as their Lord and Personal Savior and thus become a responsible member of his church after the respective baptism (Acts 8:35-39; 16:25, 26, 32).  The objective of the study is to determine the relationship between personal, ecclesiastical, pastoral and community factors with personal evangelization in parishioners of the APCE, Lima, 2013.  The study was quantitative and descriptively correlated approach with non-experimental cross-sectional design. In general terms, it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between personal and pastoral factors and personal evangelization; whereas the ecclesiastical and community factors are unrelated.



How to Cite

Maluquish Huamán, W. ., & Richard Pérez, D. W. . (2020). Personal, ecclesiastical, pastoral and community factors and their relationship to personal evangelization in members of the Asociación Peruana Central Este, Lima. Revista Estrategias Para El Cumplimiento De La Misión (Strategies for the Completion of the Mission), 17(1).